Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Easter!

This is not what you should see on Easter Morning!!!
I was a little perturbed when we woke up to snow!
But the Easter Bunny still did his job and left colorful eggs and yummy treats at our house!
Lily didn't care about the eggs, she just wanted the suckers!

Tyson found all 31 eggs all by himself!
Overflowing the basket!
Even though Easter fell on Conference weekend, I still made the kids get in their new Easter church clothes for pictures!
Brandon took these pictures of Tyson.
He did a great job!

These two crazies were not too cooperative, but I think I still got some cute ones!
Love this one!


She didn't want to do anything but her own thing!
She thinks he is the coolest!
Getting tired of pictures!

Too Cute!
An attempt at a family picture!

B and his kids!
Tyson was sick for a couple days before Easter, so we didn't get to go to the cabin with Brandon's family to celebrate Easter with them, but luckily by Saturday night he was feeling a lot better, so we did get to celebrate with my family on Sunday.
All the grandkids at Grandma Wendy's house.
Grandma Wendy and the Easter Bunny concocted a plan to send all the grandkids on an Easter Safari scavenger hunt.
There letter from the Easter Bunny talked about all that has been going on in the world, earthquakes, wars, etc... and that we all needed to be prepared.
While the big kids went to find the first clue, the little ones had an egg hunt at Grandma's. Lily didn't want to let go of any of her eggs!
Tyson reading his compass to tell us where to go!
The first clue led the kids to Maverick.
An essential in preparedness is water!
The second clue led them to Harmons for snack/treats to give them another essential, energy! (a donut!)

The third clue led them to the Megaplex because we all need some entertainment!

The fourth clue led us to Red Robin because food is a necessity, you can't live without food!
Here is the whole gang (minus me and Lily).
In their last egg at Red Robin the had a note that said...
CONGRATULATIONS, you made it! How about a little nourishment, everybody loves hamburgers!
Clue: You have done an excellent job and now you are prepared with all the items required for survival:
We are just missing one thing to make this quest complete. Retrace your steps and end at the beginning!
It was such a fun Easter Egg hunt!
Thanks Grandma Wendy and Mr. Easter Bunny!


Requel said...

Oh that's really cute! Looks like you had a fun day!

Alisa said...

The pictures turned out great and what a fun idea by your Mom. It was so good to see you yesterday and hang out. I would love to go to the zoo next month that would be a lot of fun!!

nana said...

How creative. . .I love all the pictures!!