Monday, July 19, 2010

Another successful camping trip!

Another successful camping trip is now behind us! We took the kids to Trial Lake in the Unitas this past weekend and we all had a great time! Right when we pulled up the kids made themselves at home right in the dirt!

Tyson was busy finding "treasures" for us to take home. We have a whole bag of them and I am not sure what we are going to do with them!

Of course one of our favorite things to do is roast marshmallows!

The s'more master!



Tyson the poser!

What cute kids we have!

Ha ah ha ha ah!

Our hike! We took the kids on a two mile out two mile back hike to Long Lake! Lily loved the backpack!

Tyson and me ready to go! This picture was taken about 2 minutes before everything started going south! Tyson decided to start running on the trail and right after I told him to slow down and watch for rocks he tripped and scraped his elbow and bruised his knee.
Then every 5 minutes he would ask "are we there yet?" Luckily I wore my Garmin and it told us how much farther!

The mosquitoes were really bad, but we had a lot of bug spray on. We made it "close enough" to the lake and had our quick picnic and headed back. To help Tyson make it back I let him jump off all the big rocks while holding my hand...he thought it was awesome! Hind sight we should have gone on the one mile out one mile back hike! ;)

Tyson found a walking stick! He saw a lot of hikers with walking sticks and thought they were pretty cool! We also got to see 2 Llamas, 4 Horses, and a bunch of dogs. Tyson got to pet a lot of dogs!

Lily took her snooze in the backpack! So cute!

Tyson on one of his many breaks!

When we got back to the camp we took the rubber raft out onto the lake! The kids were sooo excited!

Mom and Lily!
It was probably a funny sight seeing our little family in a little rubber raft, but we had a great time!

Tyson and Dad!
Brandon did all the rowing.

This is what Tyson and Lily did the whole time! Lily thought it was awesome to get splashed with water by the oar!
I of course had to bring a treat. So we made Brandon stop rowing every once and a while so we could eat some Skittles!
It was a fun ride!
Later Tyson and Brandon did a little fishing while Lily and I stayed back to "relax". Lily had none of that relaxing junk so we went on a walk and had snacks at the campground!
On the last day we had a yummy breakfast and cleaned up, but before we left we had to play one more round of HeMan! Lily got in on the action too!

Then Tyson put on a "fireworks" show for us by throwing pine branches in the air!
Our camping family!


nana said...

I could hardly wait to check your blog today! And you had the pics ready for me. . .thank you and I agree on the "cute family" and great nanachildren!!

Andi said...

I'm sure Nana and Papa are so proud that somebody is camping from their posterity... Tate did go to scout camp for a week, and I think he's "good" for at least another year.

Lisa R said...

That is great that you are taking the kids camping! I have forgotten how close it is to go to the mountains there. Here it is a 2 hr drive, but the mountains just aren't the same. They are beautiful, but not near as rugged as there. I think they top out around 4500ft!