Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Swimming Lessons and Friends!

We put the kids in swimming lessons this year and they really enjoyed it!
Lily's cute little friend Bella was in our class too!
They are such cute friends as long as Bella doesn't touch Lily!
(Bella loves to hold hands and hug and Lily loves her own space!)
Lily and I were in the Mommy and Me class. She loved playing in the shallow water, but as soon as we got to the deep water and I had to hold her it was a different story! She didn't want me to hold her! She would also cry if the teacher would get to close to her! By the end she finally warmed up to the teacher and would swim with her without crying!

Tyson was in the preschool class. He did fantastic! By the end he learned to swim underwater without plugging his nose! (Something I cannot do!)

Lily is rather stubborn! She would never blow bubbles in the water, but she did plug her nose and stick her face underwater all by herself!
Lily loved to be dunked under water and she loved to "jump" off the side of the pool!
(She still doesn't get her feet off the ground when she "jumps"! I love it!)

I was so proud of my Tyson! He is such a big kid!
He is one little fish in the water!

The kids were so proud of there graduation certificates!
and I was so proud of them! Way to go you two!

We sure love friends around here! Emily, Olivia and Gavin came to play with us the other day!
The kids play so well together even if we haven't seen them for a long time!
We love you guys!
This picture is blurry, but how cute is Lily with her swimsuit on her head!!!

1 comment:

The Dunnes said...

Way to go Tyson & Lily! I love summer & swimming! Your kiddies are so stinkin cute! Looks like you've been up to lots of fun- camping and the rodeo- fun!