Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's a.....

So we had our ultrasound a couple of days before Christmas! I love having the ultrasound not only to find out what gender the baby is, but it puts alot of my worries aside! I really struggle with the unknown! The baby looked very healthy and all the parts seem to be where they are suppose to be!
Here is the babies chubby hand! our household the tie goes to the.....GIRLS!
Here is her cute little profile!
She is a little wiggler!
She wouldn't hold still at all!

Cute little feet!

The front of her face! (I think this view makes them look like an alien!)
She is keeping up the tradition with her siblings and her head is already measuring big!
Yay for me!
We are very excited!
Tyson was most excited that he didn't have to share a room since it was a girl until we burst his bubble and told him he had to share his room with Lily until the baby is a year old!
Yay for girls!


McKay and Kallie said...

YAY!!! Sorry about the big head. I love the little hands and feet pictures, they are always my favorite.
I hope everyone starts feeling better soon so you can come to church ;)

Andrea said...


Requel said...

Yay for girls!! We are so excited!!

nana said...

Nana is super-excited!

Lynette said...

Congratulations Shay! I'm glad she's growing healthy! I'm always worried about that too. :o)

amyseely2003 said...

Yay! I was thinking about you today and wondering if you knew what you were having. How are you feeling? Are you running? Let's get together soon :) Congratulations!!!

Andi said...

Perfect! So excited for you.

Lisa R said...

Wow Congrats! I was thinking about you and if you knew whether it was a boy or girl yet. I just need to read blogs more often I guess!