Tuesday, April 19, 2011


These are just some random pictures of Brandon reading to the kids before bed, but not what this post is about! I just like having pictures on my posts!
Last night for family night Tyson said he wanted to have a meeting so he set up the couch cushions on the floor like he was at a desk. (I should have taken a picture!)
Then he asked us all our favorite (with mine and Brandon's help of favorites ideas!)
I wrote down Tyson's and Lily's answers and wanted to document them just for me! So, Lily 2 1/2 and Tyson 5 1/2 years old answers!


T-Scooby Doo
L-Tangled (My Princess Movie) or any Toy Story (Woody)

L- Chocolate Milk

T-Basketball/T-ball (both he has never really played or really watched) and Soccer (he has done Itty Bitty Soccer and is starting Soccer this week!)


T-Pelican/ Blue Jay
L-Yellow Bird

TV Show:
T-Wild Kratts
L-Mickey Mouse

L-Got tired of answering!

T-Puppies/ Bunnies (since it is almost Easter!)
L- Dog

L-Didn't care anymore!
It was such a fun family night! Way to go Tyson for a great idea!!

Lily had the stomach flu for the first time in her little 2 1/2 years of life! I despise the flu and feel so sad when these little ones get it! I have gotten better over the years (I think being a mom forces you to deal with puke better) When Brandon and I were first married and if I had the flu, I would just cry and cry while puking and if Brandon had the flu I was such a great wife I would ask him to close the door and turn on the fan and I would plug my ears and hum while he puked! Anyways, I have gotten better and help the kids during their time of need! So from Wed night thru Friday I was covered in puke and constantly doing laundry and sanitizing the areas. By Thursday night I was so done...nine months pregnant, only 2 hours of sleep and a poor little sick one do not mesh! I thought Lily was going to be all better, I put her to bed and 5 mins later she was puking again! I lost it and started crying! Tyson was so sweet to me! He hates to see me cry! I asked Brandon if she was up all night again if he could stay home from work. Well, she was up a little, but not puking so Brandon went to work. Not to long after he left she started puking again! Brandon was so sweet and came home! I showered and got ready and felt clean for once and took Tyson to lunch and on some errands so I could have a break! It was just what I needed! I was so glad Brandon was able to come home and help! I am also glad that with prayers every hour and using tons of Lysol spray and wipes the rest of us stayed healthy!
On Saturday we extra cleaned and sanitized the house and Brandon even wiped my baseboards for me and I re-washed all the baby stuff (even though it was probably fine, better safe than sorry right!) Call it nesting or not we are really ready for this baby to come now!!

This picture is 4 weeks from due date! I was getting ready to exercise and thought I would take a picture! I am ready to meet my new little girl! I want to hold her, love her, kiss her, cuddle her! I am so excited for her to come! I know it will be hard and I will be tired, but I love love love the newborn stage and just can't wait!

One last little thing...
I took my Mom and Mother-in-Law out for an early mother's day lunch and movie a couple weeks ago (since the baby is due around Mother's day)!
At lunch we were talking about who my kids got some of their characteristics from!
We concluded that all their naughty characteristics came from Brandon...
Brandon was the runner at stores...Our kids are constantly farther than arms length from me! My Mom said I was more clingy, she always knew where I was (which could be just as obnoxious!)
Brandon was the tantrum thrower...Lily is classic tantrum thrower. My Mom said I didn't throw tantrums!
Brandon was the mooner...Lily seriously mooned me the other day on purpose and when I tried to pull up her jammie pants she ran away laughing! (we didn't talk about this at lunch, but I have heard the Brandon mooning stories!)
Last night we did realize something they definitely got from me is both kids sleep walk and sleep talk!
We thought we heard Lily coming out of her room and Tyson jump from his bunk bed, but it turned out that Tyson got out of bed went to Lily's room and was talking to her all in his sleep! We have also found Lily behind her toy basket when she supposed to be sleeping and they sleep talk all the time!
My Dad use to have to stop me from leaving the house in the middle of the night and when My sisters and I would have a "sleep over" in one room they would carry on conversations with me while I was asleep!
So, sleep walking/talking, not so bad, but I know who to really get mad at when the kids are naughty!!!


Cori and Colin said...

Cute post!! You have got to be the cutest pregnant person ever! I can only pray I look as good as you do when I'm pregnant!

nana said...

I'm sorry you guys were all sick. YUK and double YUK! I love the yellow bird answer the best. I don't know why, but I would like to know the reasoning behind it. I loved reading your blog!

Requel said...

That is a pretty sweet FHE...nice job Tyson! And so funny, I know I already heard it but still funny that all the naughty is from Brandon. That's what I say too! And you look so good. I can't believe only 4 weeks. Wow!!

Alisa said...

Are you sure Brandon was the only one with the mooning stories? I could have sworn you helped Marci and I moon some people a time or two :)

Andi said...

I'm telling you... those pictures of B we found of him when we there of him crying are proof of his naughtiness! And it's all Derek's fault about the mooning... I'm sure he's the one who taught him.

You're adorable and I don't know when you're having this little girl... but I know it's super close! We'll be thinking of you!