Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Baby where are you??

I am more than ready for this baby girl to come! I went to my Dr. last Thursday and I was dilated to a 4 and about 85% effaced and I thought we were going to have her over the weekend! How long can I walk around at a 4 with my 3rd baby?!?
Well apparently a week!!!! Crazy little girl doesn't want to come out!
This morning I cleaned all the bathrooms (again) I plan on moping the kitchen floor while Lily is snoozing, then vacuuming when we get home from preschool pick-up!
The house will be ready (for the umpteenth time!)

Her room is all ready!
My Amazing Mom-in-law made her bedding!
I Love Love Love it!
She always does way more than I would ever imagine and I love it so much!

She even makes the bumper pads super cute!!!

My sister helped me make vinyl daisies to go with Lily's nursery saying. I wanted a little more color on the walls, there is a lot of brown in the nursery!

I decided to put the babies name up on the wall and cover the letters with the same fabric as her bedding, but I knew the kids would want to "help" with the painting of the letters so I let them pick out some wood shapes to paint while I painted the letters!
Lily did a heart and star with every color mixed together!
She was so proud and excited to show Dad when he got home!
Tyson chose a fish and palm tree and was rather artistic about his paint job!

Once he was done he had a "great idea" (his words!) to make it into a picture!
He is so creative!
And here is how my project turned out! Our little one is going to be Macy! I love how her name turned out with the fabric on it!
So, Macy, we are ready for you whenever you are ready to come! (If you don't come by Friday, we are coming for you!)


Cori and Colin said...

Everything turned out so cute!! I love the letters you did for her name!!! We'll keep praying for her to come!

nana said...

It turned our adorable! I love the vinyl flowers and her name. . .just the perfect color pop! I'm waiting for my phone call to come get the kids!!!

Requel said...

OK I haven't heard anything since you dropped thekids off...did baby macy come or where you sdot sent home? Can't wait to meet her!

Requel said...

OK I just read my previous post and wow a lot of grammatical errors. All I can say is I'm on my phone and its 4 in the morning...are You ready for this? THe sad thing is my baby is 7 months old and still up all night....oh well. Also wanted to say I love the room. It turned out so cute!

Lynette said...

I hope your little Macy comes soon! I'm sure you are not very comfortable being dilated to a 4 :O) Her room is adorable, your mother-in-law has some major sewing skills. Super Cute! I'm so excited for you! Once you are all done recovering we need to get together! I'd love to meet her! I'm sure she'll be just as beautiful as Lily.