Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Preschool Graduation!

Tyson had his preschool graduation last Wednesday and for me it was a little bitter - sweet!
I am sad he won't be going to preschool 3 days a week...(poor kid is already bored and summer break just barely started!!) But it was so cute to see our little guy being so big! I am so proud of him for all that he has learned this year!
Lily wished she was in the program too!

Some people may think I was crazy for taking Tyson to a preschool in Lindon (about 17mins away from my house, so I was driving a little over an hour 3 days a week to drop him off and pick him up and get Lily home for her snoozes!) But let me tell you it was more than worth it!!
His teacher went above and beyond! She took pictures of each kid doing each activity and made a scrapbook of the kids and all their art projects!
They did the coolest things...
milked a cow Mrs. Allred made herself
had dirt and worms in the sensory table one day
had a "family" camping trip in the preschool in real tents with forest animals too
went on an airplane (she made one whole wall in her preschool look like an airplane)
and they went on field trips every month!
Just to name a few things
She would re-do her preschool every week with toys and equipment to match what they were learning for the week! (I have no idea where she stored all her stuff!) I expected him to learn the alphabet and #'s for preschool, but he learned more than I could ever imagine!!

Tyson was the ladies man! (There were 2 boys and 11 girls in his class!)
On field trips he always seemed to be holding a girls hand and some girls would draw him pictures at home and give them to him!
Here he is holding this little girls hand before they recited their nursery rhyme!

He recited Little Boy Blue!
He did a great job! Loud and clear and not too fast!

I loved this part...they sang a song about a tree and every time they would say limb he had to play his instrument! He was right on each time but had to make sure he didn't hit anyone around him since it took some force to make it make noise!

Another song and dance in masks and with noise makers they made!

I love how hard he is concentrating on his music!

Waiting for his turn to get his diploma!

They studied insects the last week of class and grew painted butterflies. Each child got to hold one when they received their diploma!

Tyson, Elsie and Ava! Thanks to Elsie's Mom we knew about this preschool!
Thanks Megan! What an awesome preschool! I couldn't have found a better one!
We would drive Elsie and Ava to their babysitter that lived just around the corner from preschool! They all became good friends!

Tyson and Mrs. Allred!
If she is still teaching and we haven't moved to Salt Lake County when Lily is old enough we will be going to her again!

Proud parents!
(What is up with my beady eyes in every picture lately?!?)

Can't leave Lily out!
(Macy was there too...just sleeping!)
Way to go Tyson we are so proud of you!!

Things Tyson has learn this year...
-to write his first and last name, phone # and almost whole address himself
-all his letters upper and lowercase recognition and sounds
-counts to 100
-recognizes all #'s to 100
-knows all his shapes (including trapezoid and others I had forgotten about!!)
-knows days of week and months
-recognizes th sh wh ch and their sounds
-rhymes like no ones business
-does simple math (addition and subtraction)
-reads preschool/kindergarten books
-and knows an amazing amount of facts he learned through out the year!


nana said...

He makes his nana very proud and happy also!

Requel said...

Way to go Tyson...little ladies man!