Monday, October 24, 2011


Tyson lost his second tooth a couple of weeks ago and he was pretty upset about losing another tooth until I told him he had double teeth!
The day after we took this picture his tooth fell out at school and he thought it was pretty awesome to show all of his friends!
He has also decided to save his teeth and give them to the tooth fairy all at once so he can get a $5 or $10 dollar bill instead of just a measly old $1 bill!
This may take awhile...I hope we don't loose the bag!

Macy got her first tooth!
I have no idea when it happened and I wasn't even the one who noticed it!
We were at my nieces birthday party on Saturday and Macy bit my Mom's finger and my Mom asked me when Macy got her first tooth! I was shocked!
That explains why she has been spitting up more and drools more often! But other than that she is always pleasant so I never knew!
Cute girl!
And here is Lily with her cute pearly whites!
Got to love TEETH!!


nana said...

Cute blog. . .maybe I should switch to my teeth instead of my feet blogs?

Cori and Colin said...

I looooove teeth! I also may have told Tyson I know the tooth fairy and that he only gets as much money as he does from her because his teeth don't have any cavities in them!