Friday, November 11, 2011

6 Months!

Our little Macy Bug is already 6 months old!
She is still the best little baby!
We did have two "rough" days after she had her 4 shots, but I don't blame her and her "rough" days are pretty darn easy!!
At 6 months she...
has two teeth
eats rice cereal
can sit up for a couple minutes by herself
is really starting to giggle
smiles at EVERYONE!
is spitting up less (YAY!)
is getting close to crawling
can rotate like no other
and loves attention from anyone who will give it!
Her stats are:
Weight: 15lbs 5oz...50%
Height: 26in...50%
Head: 17in...75%
We love our little Macy!


Requel said...

Oh sweet macy. 6 months has gone by so fast. She is So cute and sweet.

nana said...

We lay claim to the 75% head!! Love that little girl!