Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Amature photography!

I mentioned in a previous post that I was starting to dabble in photography. I was lucky enough to tag along with my sister and shoot our first wedding. Here are some of my favorite pics that I took at the wedding!

The top of the cake!
The Bride and her little girl walking her down the isle.
The infamous picture that I used Brandon to practice for and he broke our patio chair! I think it turned out pretty darn awesome! The only problem was some of the people were blurry and some had a lot of sun on their faces, but it was the only spot they could jump from!
This couple was great! They were so easy to work with and so photogenic!

It was so much fun, but hard work too! I am so glad I didn't do it alone! Ange felt the same way! (I think!)
I was also lucky enough to have some friends let me practice on them! I took their family pictures and these are some of my favorites from that!
Their little guy Kade and Tyson are good buddies! Kade was such a funny kid for this. He was so much fun! Kyler wasn't sure what to think about all the craziness! Thanks to Amy and Ryan for letting me experiment with their cute little family!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Our last little vacation before two kids......!

So, Brandon is starting a new job next week and things just happened to work out perfect that we had a week to take a vacation after quiting his last job and before he started his new job! We decided since I only have 6 weeks to go before the baby comes, we better stay close. We chose to go to St. George to visit Zions and the Grand Canyon!
We got to St. George on Monday night and all Tyson wanted to do was to go swimming. It was so nice since everyone has started school we were there during the "off" season. No one was there! We stayed at a Marriott that was just built, so our rooms were so nice and the pool was great! It was perfect for Tyson!
The next day we went to Zions. Because the shape I am in we went on all of the little hikes. We saw weeping rock and Tyson kept asking it why it was so sad (with Dad's prompting) it was cute! We saw lots of lizards and Tyson loved them! His most favorite thing to do was to trade hats with Dad. He thought he was the funniest kid ever!

Funny story about Zions... we had to eat lunch at the Lodge because we had left our food in the car. Well Tyson is a crazy kid and so he wants to run around and be loud. Being the "off" season there were a lot of older people there and they didn't find Tyson amusing, so Brandon took him out of the restaurant and of course he started to scream and cry, well it was my turn next in line while Brandon was taking him out and the girl at the cash register was just staring at me and another employee was doing something with the cash register, so I thought she wasn't ready to take my order and we needed to wait until the other guy was done with the cash register. She continued to stare at me, no "can I take your order" or " what can I get for you" just a stare. So I finally asked if she was ready for me. She took my order and I handed her Brandon's credit card that has his picture on the back. She asked for ID and I told her it was my husbands and he was just standing with me two seconds ago and took the crying kid out. She continued, "I need ID with that" by now I was fed up, there was a line behind me, Brandon was just barely with me, Tyson was screaming and we were getting dirty looks, she could tell I was frustrated so she just put it through. I wait in the line for the 95 year old grandpa to hand us our food. The computer tells him what food to hand out and in what order. Well, he would just grab anything and ask, "anyone have such and such" no one would respond (because they were 5 people down the line) finally Brandon came back in and noticed I was still in line and he piped up and told the guy we had two hot dogs, so the nice guy grabs our two hot dogs and puts them on the counter closest to him and as far away from us as possible! It was craziness!!!!

We had a great time at Zions!

The next day we headed to the Grand Canyon North Rim. Neither of us had ever been there. It was pretty amazing! I don't know if any of you with kids have watched Vegi Tales, but there is a movie called Moe and the Big Exit where Moe and his descendants build the Grand Canyon. It is one of Tyson's favorite movies, so he kept asking where Moe was!
The funny story about going to the Grand Canyon was that Tyson made some friends with some Bikers. We made a pit stop at a gas station/cafe and when I came out of the restrooms Brandon handed me a diaper and wipes and Tyson cheered (in his loud Tyson voice) "I went poop Mom, Yahoooo" and two Bikers cheered for him. They told me they had little kids and could relate! It was hilarious!

The last day we checked out and Tyson returned the keys to the front desk girl. He got so excited to help that he ran right into the side of the glass door that was shut! Brandon took a picture of the red bump, but the picture didn't do it justice! We did some shopping and headed home! Tyson kept telling us he didn't want to go home, he wanted to stay in our room (the hotel). He loves being on vacation! So do I!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy 30th Brandon!

It is a day early, but we are going out of town tomorrow, so here is our birthday tribute to B! The Big 30! He is already telling us he feels so old! I am sure he can't even begin to fathom what old feels like!

Things I love about B...

-His Laugh

-How funny he thinks he is

-What a great husband he is (even though I tease his all the time!)

-What an amazing father he is

-How hard he works for our family

-What a spectacular yard he keeps!!!

-He happily irons his own clothes

There are many more but my favorite is...

-He takes out the garbage!!!!! (With a big smile of course!)

I am speaking for Tyson (because he is napping right now) but I would have to say his favorite thing about his dad is when they play "hike" Tyson gets into the football starting position, Brandon says hike and Tyson runs full bore into B to knock him over! He could play that for hours!

We love you B!
Happy Birthday!!

Tyson and Shay

Friday, September 5, 2008


Aren't these kids so cute! Emily (My BF since we were 12) and her husband have finally made it back to Utah! Yahooo! (Well until they leave for training, but then they will be back for good) Anyways, they came to play with us the other day! Tyson and Olivia (or Libia what Tyson called her) played so well together. They were so cute! Here they are being cowboys!
We can't forget cute little Gavin! Aren't they such cute little friends! We love you guys!

All about Tyson!

Sorry that all of my blogs are about Tyson, but my life isn't as exciting! (Brandon's is a little more exciting, but it is all work stuff...) Anyways, Tyson makes us laugh so hard. We were up at the cabin for Labor day and Tyson insisted on wearing the "racer" helmet! Luckly he has a big head so it fit! ( I love how he is cross-eyed looking at his cool helmet!) The next picture is of Tyson's first burn. We were cooking pancakes on the griddle and he couldn't help but touch! Of course what finger does he touch with.... Brandon hurried and got the camera (after administering first aid of course) and took this picture for all to be flipped off my Tyson!
He has also said some really funny things lately....
The other day he saw the letter G on the mountain on our way to Provo (Does anyone know what school the G is for... We can't figure it out!) Anyways, Tyson pointed it out and said..."Don't be shy Mom, Tell me what the G says!" I have no idea where the don't be shy came from! :)
Then when we were packing to go to the cabin, Brandon told Tyson to get some toys or cars that he wanted to take with.. Tyson responded with "Ok Dad, If you say so!" The greatest was his tone of I wasn't planing on it but if you pull my arm I guess I will have to take some toys! It was hilarious!
We love our little guy! I hope everyone doesn't get to bored with all our Tyson posts!
Brandon and I will try and be more exciting!