Friday, September 5, 2008

All about Tyson!

Sorry that all of my blogs are about Tyson, but my life isn't as exciting! (Brandon's is a little more exciting, but it is all work stuff...) Anyways, Tyson makes us laugh so hard. We were up at the cabin for Labor day and Tyson insisted on wearing the "racer" helmet! Luckly he has a big head so it fit! ( I love how he is cross-eyed looking at his cool helmet!) The next picture is of Tyson's first burn. We were cooking pancakes on the griddle and he couldn't help but touch! Of course what finger does he touch with.... Brandon hurried and got the camera (after administering first aid of course) and took this picture for all to be flipped off my Tyson!
He has also said some really funny things lately....
The other day he saw the letter G on the mountain on our way to Provo (Does anyone know what school the G is for... We can't figure it out!) Anyways, Tyson pointed it out and said..."Don't be shy Mom, Tell me what the G says!" I have no idea where the don't be shy came from! :)
Then when we were packing to go to the cabin, Brandon told Tyson to get some toys or cars that he wanted to take with.. Tyson responded with "Ok Dad, If you say so!" The greatest was his tone of I wasn't planing on it but if you pull my arm I guess I will have to take some toys! It was hilarious!
We love our little guy! I hope everyone doesn't get to bored with all our Tyson posts!
Brandon and I will try and be more exciting!


sinika said...

What a cute little boy! By the way- the G is for Pleasant Grove- they were just too lazy to do a P with it! Ha!

Emily said...

We love to hear Tyson stories! Keep 'em coming! I love the cross-eyed picture. And the "bird" is classic! I love what comes out of our kids' mouths. I like the "don't be shy." Olivia told me we were going to a fiesta today. I don't know where she got that from.