Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Amature photography!

I mentioned in a previous post that I was starting to dabble in photography. I was lucky enough to tag along with my sister and shoot our first wedding. Here are some of my favorite pics that I took at the wedding!

The top of the cake!
The Bride and her little girl walking her down the isle.
The infamous picture that I used Brandon to practice for and he broke our patio chair! I think it turned out pretty darn awesome! The only problem was some of the people were blurry and some had a lot of sun on their faces, but it was the only spot they could jump from!
This couple was great! They were so easy to work with and so photogenic!

It was so much fun, but hard work too! I am so glad I didn't do it alone! Ange felt the same way! (I think!)
I was also lucky enough to have some friends let me practice on them! I took their family pictures and these are some of my favorites from that!
Their little guy Kade and Tyson are good buddies! Kade was such a funny kid for this. He was so much fun! Kyler wasn't sure what to think about all the craziness! Thanks to Amy and Ryan for letting me experiment with their cute little family!


Emily said...

Those are so awesome! When can you do ours!?

Cori and Colin said...

Shay!! Those are awesome!!! The wedding jumping picture turned out really well! When Colin and I have kids (far down the road) we're definitely using your skills!

deleted said...

You an practice on our family any time you want. Ellyit is due for 6 month pics. I'm willing to pay a small fee if you want the practice!

7 Baldwin's said...

Wow- those are great!!!! You are awesome! I love the one with the bride and the little girl!!!

Megan Adamson said...

I love the pictures. You did a great job. I can't wait to see pictures of Lily. Let us know if you need anything. We can bring you in some dinner or something. We would love to come and see how cute she is.