Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 9 Months Lily!

The picture is a little blurry, but isn't sure the cutest thing!
Our little Lily is already 9 months!!!
Here are her 9 month stats:
Weight: 17lbs 7oz ... 25th percentile
Length: 28in...70th percentile
Head: 46cm...95th percentile (have to add this one for the Russells!)
I felt really sad taking her to her appointment because for the last two days she hasn't been herself. She is cutting a top tooth and it is giving her grief. It is so swollen, and it pops out then goes back in. It is miserable! Well, she has had a slight fever lately and it turns out she also has an ear infection. :( Poor little thing. Teeth and ears all together! But she is our little trooper, trying to play and be happy! Once she feels better I am going to do her 9month pictures!
Yeah for Lily! Happy 9 months! We love you!!


Requel said...

oh shoot she did have an ear infection, huh? Sad. She is way too cute though. we love "baby"!

nana said...

I love that picture! Sorry Lily isn't feeling well. Wait until she has a full head of hair to add to her head size!!!!

Requel said...

Side note I just looked at Bella's 9 month stats and they are super close to lily's she was 17 lbs 8 oz and 28 inches also. Just thought it was funny how they were the exact same just off by one ounce!

Emily said...

They turned out so cute!! I love them.

adrianne s. said...

Happy 9 months, Lily! What a doll!