Friday, July 16, 2010

The Ups and Downs of Tuesday!

So, Tuesday was a crazy day with goods and bads to go around!
Brandon's car needs to have Safety and Emissions done this year, and he had a huge crack in his windshield, so Monday I took it in to be replaced. Got home with it and noticed that they did a horrible job on the right everywhere and stain on the window itself. So Tuesday morning I took it back in for them to fix. They gave me a free car wash to make me "happy" so at least the windshield looked good and the car was clean!
I got home just in time to get a couple of things done before my Sisters, Brother, and Grandma (and don't forget the kids) came over so we could all go to lunch! Cute Grandma Spencer is 87(?)ish! Isn't she so cute! My sisters and I have been doing lunches with her for the last little while whenever we can all get together! I love it!

The next part of the day was the worst part. Our awesome neighbors were going to watch the kids for us that night so I went to get a Pizza for them for dinner as payment for watching the kids. I was driving thru the parking lot when a 17 year old girl hit us. It wasn't that bad of an accident, but an accident is an accident and they are just a pain!!! We had to wait for the Police, fill out the reports and when it was time to leave we found out that she hit me just right on the wheel that the car was undriveable. The cop said it looked like the tires were pigeoned toed! So we had to have it towed! Lucky for me, Requel was on her way home and she picked up the kids for me right before the Cops got there so I didn't have to worry about them, and right before the tow truck came Brandon came so I didn't have to get a ride from a Cop!

So now we are a one car family until the insurance companies decide fault and we can get a rental car. (It was definitely her fault, but since it was on private property...a parking ticket was issued and the cops can't claim fault they just state the evidence and the insurance companies decide. LAME! How would I have hit the front of her car with the side of my car when she was coming out of a KFC parking lot????!!!)

Then that night we were lucky enough to go to the Paul McCartney concert. It was awesome! I do have to admit, when Brandon told me on Monday that we were offered tickets I thought OK I will go watch this old could be cool, but once I really realized who he was I was awe struck! We were watching a Beatle!!! He really was amazing! He played for just over 3hours non-stop! He played a ton of the classics and sounded spot on! I hope I can have that much energy when I am 69! They played 2 encores that were 3 or 4 songs each! AMAZING! We really liked his drummer too! What talent! Sir Paul would tell stories about Hendricks and Clapton and at one point jumped on the back of another band member! There were fireworks, pyrotechnics it was awesome!!! Thanks Clearlink for the tickets!
One of my favorite parts was watching some of the older people dancing and just being so excited! Some may have been those girls that were at the original Beatles concerts crying and passing out! It was so much fun!
What a crazy day of ups and downs!


Megan Adamson said...

I am glad you had a good ending...

nana said...

Wish I had been there for the concert! Sorry about all the car inconviences the past while. . . .

Andi said...

You should've gone to the Carly Simon concert with my parents too... I suppose oldies can be goodies?

Trey just came over and screeched when he saw the picture of Lily. He says "Leeeee".

Requel said...

Yeah your Tuesday was the pits! Sorry you had to deal with all that but so glad we were there to help. That concert sounded like it would have been amazing. What a cool experience!