Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tyson 5 year and Lily 2 year pictures

With the kids birthday's being a month and a half apart, I decided to do their birthday pictures together! So Tyson's 5 year old pictures and Lily's 2 year old pictures!
I am defiantly an amateur photography, but it is so nice to save money and have fun with the kids! Some of the pictures are out of focus and some a pretty grainy, but I think they are cute!
One day maybe I will get a better lens and take a photoshop class to get better at this!
Anywho... here are my cute kids!
(If any family members want copies of these pics let me know which ones and what size!)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Night of the Running Dead!

So on October 9th, Brandon, my sister Ange and I ran a Halloween 5K at This is the Place Heritage Park.
It was a really fun idea. There were Zombies and Survivors. (Brandon was a survivor, and Ange and I were Zombies! Brandon didn't want to dress up and I felt that torn clothes were good enough, but Ange went all out with the works!)
People were CRAZY!
There was a costume contest and Halloween themed Dancers. Although they didn't time things well and had the dancers do 3 or 4 dances in front of the start line so only a few could see it, Brandon being one at the front and felt it was pretty awkward!
It was all fun and games until the race started!
They started the survivors 2 minutes before the zombies so the zombies could chase the survivors!
This was the hardest race I have ran since High School. People were walking the first few hundred feet after the start! Because it started on an uphill. (Not us though of course!!)
It was two laps and they ran you up a mountain!
It was a hard/fun time!
Thanks to my Mom for watching our two Zombies!
(My Mom took more pictures! I will have to post them later!)

Friday, October 15, 2010


While Paige and Trey were visiting from Arizona we met them and Nana for a little witch hunting! Tyson and Paige loved counting how many witches they could find...Nana and I liked how cute the witches were!

Aren't they such a cute bunch of kids???!!!

They were so good about posing for Nana and me!

After we saw all the witches we did pony rides and the petting zoo!
They loved the ponies! Trey was super cute and would yell "yee haw!"

Cute Tyson!

Trey and Lily had no reserves about petting the animals!
They loved this baby goat!

Paige and Tyson!
Paige is Tyson's "best" cousin!
(At least that is what he tells us when she comes to town!)
Nana and her cute grandkids!
Thanks Nana for such a fun day at Gardner Village!

Monday, October 11, 2010

WOW 30!

Well I turned the big 30 yesterday...and who could have a cooler birthday then 10.10.10!
It was such a great day! I didn't do ANYTHING!!
Brandon let me sleep whatever I wanted...he made the kids breakfast and lunch...he played with the kids and cooked dinner and cleaned!
It was the BEST day ever!
Thanks B!
(our chillaxin family in modge podge clothes! My boobs look huge (for me) in this picture, but I assure you that it is just the way my shirt is sitting on my extra padded bra!!)
The cute card that Tyson and Brandon made me!

And the YUMMY ice cream cake we all enjoyed!
What a perfect birthday!
And I can't forget to mention my great Mom who made delicious soups and cake for a family shin-dig on Saturday!
And Brandon's family for our combined birthday dinner! In Brandon's family there are 5 of us with October birthdays and all of us were in town this year! YAY for Birthdays!

Friday, October 8, 2010


We had Lily's 2 year well child visit yesterday and I wanted to post her stats!
Weight: 28lbs...65%
My kids sure take after their Dad in head size!
We also got our flu shots yesterday and Tyson was so brave he didn't even realize they gave him the shot! Now he tells me he LOVES shots! Ha ah ha ha ah! We will see!
Another funny story about Tyson:
The other day he accidentally dropped his toothpaste in the garbage.
Tyson: Dad I dropped my toothpaste in the garbage on accident...
Dad: Well get it out and just wipe it is fine.
Tyson: But I am worried it won't fight cavities anymore!
Ha ha ah ha ha! I guess the garbage can deactivates your toothpaste! Watch out!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

Our sweet Little Lily turns 2 today!
We celebrated with family on Saturday!
It was such a fun little party! Lily Loved it!

Cute kids ready to PARTY!
I wasn't sure if they would like the party hats, but they turned out to be a hit! In fact they wore them the next day too!

Opening her presents!
She got so much fun stuff and she loved every minute of it! She even told everyone "thanks" after each present! (with the encouragement of Mom!)
What a cute girl!

Loving her cake! (she had two cupcakes!)
She makes them look soo good...don't you want one right now!!!
With all of the little cousins that were there we did a pinata!
Lily loved beating that thing!

She was pretty good at it too!

Trey only took one swing, so I didn't get his picture, but here is Jaycie's big hit!

Tyson was laughing so hard it was hard for him to hit it...Brandon kept moving it up and down on him!

Chesney's turn!

Paige was the last one to hit and by her form you can probably guess that she broke that thing wide open!

Lily enjoying her candy with Papa!
It was such a fun party! Thanks family for coming and celebrating with us!
We sure love our Lily!
She is FULL of spunk and attitude! I could just eat her up!
Happy 2nd birthday baby!
We love you!