Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tyson 5 year and Lily 2 year pictures

With the kids birthday's being a month and a half apart, I decided to do their birthday pictures together! So Tyson's 5 year old pictures and Lily's 2 year old pictures!
I am defiantly an amateur photography, but it is so nice to save money and have fun with the kids! Some of the pictures are out of focus and some a pretty grainy, but I think they are cute!
One day maybe I will get a better lens and take a photoshop class to get better at this!
Anywho... here are my cute kids!
(If any family members want copies of these pics let me know which ones and what size!)


nana said...

They all are adorable. I would like a 4x6 of the first one of them. Tyson looks so grown up and Lily is the little sister!

Angie said...

Way too cute Shay!!!! I'm greedy and want a 4x6 in the 1st, 7th(Lily), 11th(Ty), 12th(both) and 15th(both). Love ya!

adrianne s. said...

Sweetest pictures ever! Lily looks a lot like her mama!

Lynette said...

Way cute Shay! You should get into photography!

Requel said...

They look so good! Cute kids!!

Anonymous said...

Way to Cute! I can't decide! How about you pick out one of both of them together and one of each apart that are your favorites and I will take 3x5 and wallets for my neice and nephew wall of fame!