Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Photographer Tyson on a Jungle Safari

Tyson was watching cartoons the other morning and one show did a jungle safari so, Tyson decided that we needed to go on a jungle safari too. WARNING: It got pretty dangerous...

Self portrait of my tour guide Tyson! We saw a zebra...

A lion and a turtle.....

A frog and a lion...

A bear and an elephant...

A big bear and a baby giraffe....

A crazy monkey and a daddy giraffe...

I was a great safari!


Shay said...

Sometimes I hate blogger! I don't know why there are such big spaces! Sorry!

Cori and Colin said...

How exciting!!! Hey did you figure out how to change the other blogs on the side of your page?

Emily said...

That is so fun! You are such a cool mom!

adrianne s. said...

Wow, he is super equipped for a fun safari. It is like you have always planned to go on a safari and you have been preparing for it. What a good mom you are!! Gracie has it in her head that she wants to go to Egypt. I don't know quite what to do about it.