Monday, July 23, 2012

South Jordan Half Marathon

 We ran the South Jordan Half Marathon on July 7th.
It was a really small race with a little over 100 runners. It ran us all through Daybreak. It was a really pretty run, but man was it a hard race!
They weren't kidding when they said it had plenty of hills in it!
This course whipped my hiney!!
Brandon loved it! He loves hills! He thinks he may do it again next year. I told him I would cheer him on and do a more down hill half marathon!!
All 3 of us ended up with trophies! (not just the participation medal!)
Brandon got 2nd in his age group (OLD!!)
Cori got 3rd in her age group!
I got 1st in my age group (OLD!! Too!!)
They trophies only say "Half Marathon 1st Place"
They don't say the age group or mens or womens so when the kids would ask who's trophy was who's I would tell them Mom got 1st place and Dad only got 2nd!! ;)
 Our supporters!
Colin and Cori slept over at our house, so Colin was with the kids when we left and Nana came over at 7 to help load them up and cheer us on! Mom also came to cheer us on!
Thanks guys it sure makes a big difference to have a cheering squad!!
 I loved this! When we finished Cori showed us that a bird had pooped on her while she was running!!!
 Our crazy kids! I love having them watch us do hard things! 
It was fun to come down the finish shoot and have Lily jumping up and down waving excited to see me! I tried to give her a high five but we missed!
Tyson was cheering really loud!
And when I got to everyone Macy yelled "Momma!"
I love these guys!!
This was my first half marathon (or race for that matter) in two years!
(I took a year and a half hiatus after having Macy!)
It is nice to be back into the swing of things!! 
(I stole all these pictures from Nana's blog! Thanks Nana!!)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Way to go Shay and Brandon! I wish I could get back into half marathons! You guys rock!